Yes Queen- I Can Boogie: RuPaul’s Stats Race, Season 13, Episode 6

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  • WTF was this challenge? Has Ru always wanted to narrate a boring PBS documentary? This was a real bust.
  • Rose and Denali were great. If they had any role in the current narrative arc of the season they easily could have won, but alas- twas not to be.
  • Tamisha got set up big. Who could tell that she “looked like she was thinking” during that random performance? Utica could have easily been in the bottom instead, but they obviously wanted Tamisha v. Kandy (see list at the end of the blog for more!)
  • Kandy did good in the lip-sync, but I thought her emotions didn’t match the song. Hit Em Up Style is a sassy jam about fiscal revenge. Why so sad?
  • Olivia’s hair was amazing, and she danced well. However, when she described the challenge as “not a dancing challenge but a feelings challenge” my hate grew 3 sizes.


  • Olivia moves into second. Symone is still holding on to the lead but just barely.

  • Lala Ri is still in last place. Utica and Denali are tied for 8th just above her.
  • Kandy fell from 3rd to 6th by being in the bottom 2. She can regain and likely will, but I think her chances at final 4 are pretty toast at this point.

  • The pattern of one of the queens in last place on the chart going next held up with Tamisha’s exit. Will Lala Ri be next?
  • Elliott got her first positive points on the chart. Tina got her first positive point since she won the lip-sync in episode 1. Tina is now tied for 4th, and Elliott is tied for 6th


  1. Gottmik (=)
  2. Symone (=)
  3. Olivia Lux (+2)
  4. Denali (-1)
  5. Rosé (-1)
  6. Kandy Muse (=)
  7. Utica (=)
  8. Lala Ri (=)
  9. Tina Burner (+1)
  10. Elliiott with 2 Ts (-1)
  11. Tamisha Iman (Preseason Prediction: 12th, Most Recent Pre-Elimination Prediction: 11th)
  12. Joey Jay (Preseason Prediction: 11th, Most Recent Pre-Elimination Prediction: 12th)
  13. Kahmora Hall (Preseason Prediction: 10th; Most Recent Pre-Elimination Prediction: 12th)
  • Olivia moves back into the final 4 based on this week’s win. She is clearly being set up for a long run (much to my chagrin).

  • I feel confident at this point that Kandy won’t make the final 4 and am starting to wonder if she will go even earlier than I currently have her.
  • I still have Tina going fairly soon but I think we’ll find out in this week’s episode if that is likely or not. It’s an acting challenge so I would think she’ll do well, but I’ll be looking for her to get negative critiques for her outfit on the runway. Then, if it’s a fashion challenge next week, she could easily get the sashay.

  • Lala is ranked lowest on the chart and statistical it makes sense for her to go next, but I don’t think she will. She could easily be bottom 2 this episode (she’s struggled with acting) but. I think she will win another lip-sync and stick around a bit longer.

  • It may finally be time for our little engine that could- Elliott with 2 Ts-to go. She hasn’t excelled in acting thus far and If we hear a personal story from her, we can stick a fork in her (we know that editing pattern well at this point). She’s an ok lip-syncer but would lose to Lala.


Feud Lip-syncs

Below I ranked the standout times in Drag Race herstory that two queens that engaged in a feud or big fight have later lip-synced against each other. Enjoy and above all- please go back to party city where you belong.

5. Brita v. Aiden Zane (Season 12)

WHAT THE FUCK IN THE PRODUC PLACEMENT BULLSHIT IS THIS? Adele Dazeem has never been so inappropriately or offensively disrespected in her life. Awful. The feud was also a buzzkill, save for Heid N. Closet one marvelous outburst while standing up for Aiden. One of my least favorite lip-syncs ever. Turn away and slam the door.

4. Kandy Muse v. Tamisha Iman (Season 13)

A truly quotable (though Nene Leakes deserves royalties) and engaging fight to watch, the Tamisha and Kandy lip-sync was well fought on both sides, though I still think Kandy’s tears don’t really match the song. It also was robbed of the narrative power it might have had because we saw them convincingly makeup before the lip-sync.

3. Bob the Drag Queen v. Derrick Barry (Season 8)

Bob and Derrick went back and forth intensely all season, and this lip-sync came at the very end after much the fire from their feud had dimmed. This is a fun lip-sync where Bob shows up and out to vanquish his nemesis and the season’s villain. It is a satisfying and enjoyable watch.

2. Sharon Needles v. Phi Phi O’Hara (Season 4)

One of the most intense feuds ever on drag race that again, is forever quoted by gays across the land, led up to this double shantay you stay lip-sync. It’s fun and very early drag race: a wig removal goes unpunished. The biggest thrill is seeing Sharon show up as a lip-sync threat when Phi Phi so obviously thought she wouldn’t. God bless mother nature.

  1. Coco Montrese v. Alyssa Edwards (Season 5)

One of the most epic and endlessly quotable feuds on Drag Race between two fantastic lip-syncers of course lead to the best of the feud lip-syncs. They’re not joking bitch.

Tamisha Iman came to us, to show the girls what she could do. She definitely didn’t always express herself in a noncombative way, but she had some real standout moments and was often a real joy to watch. I will miss her and hope to see her on an All Stars in the future. With that, my dears, let the music play!

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